Closing words for 2024...

Frame straightened. Perfectly aligned with the other ones on the wall. Bit out centre to the left though. Or maybe a little bit more… The balance needs to be just right. Otherwise the other ones feel sad and neglected.

Could be a metaphor. But at least these photographs I brought back from Italy are hanging on my wall now… A mixture of Maria Callas and scenes from Teatro alla Scala are filling my hallway wall with grace, a pinch of melancholia, and paper I still need to bring to the recycle bin because it was too stuffed. So basically me after Christmas.

It made me want to write… Finally… And again…

Björk was playing in the background while fireworks are being lit right outside. Fireworks in a city where it is supposed to be prohibited.

A breeze enters my heart because the door to it was slightly open. Maybe it should have closed it since my feelings got infused with a little bit of rage. Words that arrived in a knapsack which were so ungentlemanlike. How could they know…

I will
a gentleman

A video of Mazen al-Hamada passed by on my timeline on Instagram. How can a man that smuggled baby formula now be an angel… Maybe that is because many listened, but no one really understands…

Listen. See. With eyes wide open… What the hell are we doing on the brink of tumbling into 2025…

A tear gently leaves the cosiness of my right eye. Stay there, I tell you.

No! Get out… Why is it that society tells us when we cry we are weak. And man-up because holding back our feelings is the “manliest” thing you can do. As so they say… I say get out! Be naked! Flow free. Like a river of no regrets and let the world feel your stream that will smother this toxic mess and will be a bringer of life and empathy. Be brave…

Wear that heart on that sleeve. That sleeve that is full of holes but stitched together with golden threads and let the world know that this is not how it ends!


Even while I am screaming
I will remain
a gentleman

To the world I just want to say: please change... To the one in my dreams; don’t ever do. I love you just the way you are.

I shall be a rock for now. That bonded with that river. Shaped, split, and full of force. Daring to make the flow go both directions.

I slowly close the door to my heart. But no worries, there is not even a lock. I forced it out, so I can peak outside whenever I feel like it. It will open again, when the world decides to be kinder. Home, abroad… And wherever the fuck it is needed.

Cherish your artists… They are so much needed right now… A line breaks in poetry is not just a line break. And my art… Is, just that, too…

(Happy) 2025…

~ Cristian


Work in progress


New print. New work. New process.