I started writing you this letter in autumn...

“I started writing you this letter in autumn…”

pillow corner in my right hand


that as soon as I would wake up

it was just a dream

left hand that rubs my eyes

got up

and filled up a glass with water

as soon as the water touched my lips

remembering the moment I was kissing yours

in my dreams

immediately knowing

I wanted them to be there

for the last remaining years of my life

during my morning coffee I whispered

your name in the wind

and asked you

but what if we are wrong, about who we really are

because sometimes I feel

like an old page of an old book


ripped in half

and some smudges of ink

on the bottom right corner

and you

a flower

that blooms

every day with courage

but even more magical

in the moonlight

on a dreamy autumn night

and a scar on your left ankle

it reminds me that


is sometimes all I need

to have a beautiful day


Every grey hair...


A dandelion sings