Publication in Lens Magazine.
Hey everyone,
Well I was talking about another announcement I would make this week. And I am happy to say that my Neshama Sheli project can be seen and read in Lens Magazine.
Sometimes I call it paying the man. Sometimes I quote Invictus. But in the end it just means hard work pays off…
Things like these for me are amazing and you can sure as hell expect that I will drink a beer or to to celebrate.
To know that your work will be in a printed and digital magazine I a crown on all of the hard work. Print of course the most haha.
I will expect that I will be working for another six years on this project. So who knows where it will end up in the end…
Thanks Dafna and Ziv!
You can buy Lens Magazine through PocketMags, Magtzer, and your Amazon Kindle. Physical prints go through MagCloud.
Don’t forget you can support my work by buying me a coffee on my Ko-fi page. Or buying a print of course.
Today is a good day!
~ Cristian