Publication in Lens Magazine.
Hey everyone,
Well I was talking about another announcement I would make this week. And I am happy to say that my Neshama Sheli project can be seen and read in Lens Magazine.
Sometimes I call it paying the man. Sometimes I quote Invictus. But in the end it just means hard work pays off…
Things like these for me are amazing and you can sure as hell expect that I will drink a beer or to to celebrate.
To know that your work will be in a printed and digital magazine I a crown on all of the hard work. Print of course the most haha.
I will expect that I will be working for another six years on this project. So who knows where it will end up in the end…
Thanks Dafna and Ziv!
You can buy Lens Magazine through PocketMags, Magtzer, and your Amazon Kindle. Physical prints go through MagCloud.
Don’t forget you can support my work by buying me a coffee on my Ko-fi page. Or buying a print of course.
Today is a good day!
~ Cristian
Featured on Emulsive
Hey everyone!
I couldn’t think of a better start of the weekend than seeing my ongoing and ever changing project, Neshama Sheli being featured on the Emulsive website!
Emulsive is one of the coolest analog photography websites out there. And being on it makes me super happy.
Thanks again for giving me a stage, EM.
While you are at it. There is only three days left on my IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign. Which can be found here.
Every little helps me making future projects possible.
~ Cristian
Coffee in the old city of Jerusalem, Sore feet, and defining your why...
Like I promised…
My feet are still tired… Writing this laying on my couch rolled up like a hamster ready for bed. Banging out this blog post that I have promised to you all.
But you have to forgive me. A lot has happened since I got back home. You know… Life… And all of it happened at the same time. Even squeezed in a couple of shoots and one of them was a lomography one.
But it is all for the greater good. Telling stories!
Heading straight for the coffee…
The time has come. Finally working again on my long term project “Neshama Sheli“. I was so happy yo be on the plane again.
As soon as I arrived I could not help myself my friend Issam. He has the best coffee house in the entire of country. I totally forgot it was Friday and that he is closed on Fridays. The stroopwafels I have brought him had to wait a day extra…
So that meant walking around Jerusalem until my feet hurt. That last part happened for sure since I walked 62KM in the first couple of days!
That does not seem much spread over a amount of time. But with all the hills up and down it was actually quite the walk.
Before I forget…
Since the reason why you have stumbled upon my blog probably is photography. Some of you might think it is interesting what stuff I have brought.
Well… That is easy. Not much…
Two bodies. One analog, one digital. The analog a Nikon FM2n. The digital, a Nikon D810.
I always prefer analog but sometimes digital is more practical.
Film, I bought that when I got there. The whole reason is that it is more practical and is also part of my research. The downside of that is that you have to do with what you find. I have found a lot of Kodak. That is not bad. I am a Ilford guy when it comes to Black and White. But I will never complain if Kodak Tri-X is the one that is available. And who cares in the end anyway. They both rule.
Oh, and only three lenses. Two 35mm’s. One Sigma Art for the D810. And a Nikon 35mm Nikon F1.8 ai. Also my Carl Zeiss 50mm.
This keeps it small. And even got room in my day pack for underpants and protein bars.
And in my opinion. If you can’t do it with one lens you need to be more proficient.
But enough about gear. It really is not important. It just does not need to break down and that is it. That does not mean I don’t love a beautiful camera. But getting your hours in and the reason why is way more important.
My why…
The first what I thought when I got back home was: Now I understand! Not the situation, but more the whole reason why some of my photographic heroes were working on a project for like ten years or something.
I guess that is also the whole reason why you “why” is so important. The “why“ is always important. Just to keep that perseverance to keep rocking when all your chips are down. Even Simon Sinek wrote his best selling book about that subject.
I do this because of: And fill in the blanks...
I frees my mind…
It gives my emotions a place…
I love him or her…
It gives me inner peace…
It is easy to do things when they are fun. But if you are in in for the long haul… Your “why” better be a good damn good one.
You still haven’t told me yours…
One of my favorite poets (Rumi) has a quote: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray” .
If you are following me for a while you know I do everything by gut feeling. But there is also a explainable part of this all…
Despite I am a social creature it also feels for me I am a little bit of an odd one. And fitting in is not really my thing, nor I feel I have ever did. I really don’t like stuff a lot of “normal“ people like. And I have the strangest urge to make sense out of that strange journey that is called life. If that makes any kind of sense at all…
So if I want to makes sense to any of it why not go to the region that is the origin of the three big modern religions… And so I did three years a go. It seemed like a good place to start.
Photography in the end is a search within yourself…
I never expected during the first time I went there it would become plenty of more times. Every country that I come I fall in love with. But somehow, this place…
The first time I stood in front of the western wall I even cried a little. And I am not even Jewish. I am as Dutch as I can be.
But also the Dome of the rock quiet down my ever going monkey mind. And the church of the holy sepulcher had certain calm.
So many stories… So many people… All of them with a why…
But there is more…
No worries… My passion of explaining things goes beyond Israel and the Palestinian territories. I want to see the whole world. And I have gotten quite far already.
The drive is bigger…
The world is an amazing place. And we can learn so much from each other. If we somehow get those stories across imagine where we can be! Colombia, Japan, Indonesia! It is all still on the list.
So many people to talk to… So much things to learn… And ergo, so many stories to tell…
I use photography as my medium.
So that is sort of my “why“…
Things I ran into…
It is so super interesting how being social differs from place to place all across the globe. The whole plan was to talk to as many people as possible instead of just doing random street photography. Because street photography alone just doesn’t cut it.
It is cool to do. Of course! But if you want to give your work more depth talking to people is the only way.
Well… That part is easier said than done. There are of course plenty of people. But in comparison to for example Vietnam or India, or Iran it was a bit more difficult to start a casual conversation. I had to work for it… In other countries people somehow automatically come to me. But in Jerusalem it was more like home. Other areas were more easy.
But was I satisfied when I got back home? Not not really… But like I said earlier… Now I understand why things take so long!
Not that I have not met some beautiful people. I did! If some of you will read the blog you know who you are.
The story continues…
I focused mainly around Jerusalem and Bethlehem again. This mainly because my train of thought was because of it was just after pesach (passover), Ramadan started, and memorial day was also happening. And most of the stories were hopefully developing around those places. Plus it is just a nice place to be and Jerusalem is centrally located to everywhere you want to go.
But I think next time I will roam around a bite more. Or rent a car or something.. I don’t know. That is stuff for future Cris.
Aida and Dheisheh refugee camp…
I was here last time too. And I could of course not be in the neighborhood without saying hello to my friend, Omar. He lives in the Dheisheh refugee camp and is an artist and musician.
I went though the same checkpoint as last year. The same one where I have written about last year (link here).
It has changed… A lot!
Checkpoint 300. Instead of going though a regular gate there is a building now where you have to go through. Still turnstiles. Still the cattle like exit. And still the annoying cab drivers in the end.
We chatted a lot. About life, love, girls, music… His car that he had to turn in because it was illegal. That story was a bit funny. Sorry man haha…
It is so interesting how much our lives differ and in so much aspects are so the same. For him the water truck comes once every thirty days if he is lucky… I can just open the tap. But still, we both like waffles and are afraid of spiders.
He also told me he started working out. Better have some gainz next time I am there bro!
At the graveyard…
Apparently we are not only afraid of spiders… He wanted to show a martyrs graveyard. And like the name says, it is a graveyard where the local martyrs are being buried.
We had to be quiet because there was a young woman mourning. Here brother was killed not that long ago. And every day she was there because she missed him a lot. This was one of the moments you have to put your camera away and just let someone be…
We wanted to give our tired feet some rest so we sat down on a bench, but a humongous queen bee suddenly showed up and we both yelled like little girls and ran off. That beast was enormous!
After we came to a safe distance we pretended the bee had nothing on. Like the young cool kids do…
Memorial Day…
My blog post has no structure at all this time. But hey… what can you do!
A couple of days later it was memorial day… There are quite some similarities with the memorial day we have in the Netherlands. We just have one siren and stay quiet for two minutes to remember the atrocities of the second world war, and the fallen since then. In Israel you have two sirens. Because it literally is a day. First one was the preceding evening at 20:00 and the second one at 11:00 in the morning…
The entire city and country stops what they are doing.
This was also one of my moments of getting back to reality. If you stay somewhere for a while things start to get normal.
My lasagna theory…
Earlier that week about 250+ rockets were fired from the Gaza strip, and it wasn’t on my mind already.
I dubbed this my lasagna theory. I like lasagna a lot! But if you every day it starts to get normal and it is not special anymore. You get used to it…
From my own country I am used to stop the car or motorbike on the side of the road and everyone is most of the time respectful… And what I do is I try to remember the people that are important to me that are no longer here. And say thank you.
It was this moment where you realize that I was in an area where not everyone could get along. Of course the Israeli - Palestinian conflict is still active and that’s the reason not everyone participated in the moment of silence. You can probably can guess the reason why.
It was a teaching moment for myself and made me more curious. Is it ever going to end? Will they ever get along? Will there ever be an end to the conflict? And what can we learn from all of this in the rest of the world?
But what now…
By now it is already three days later since I have started writing… The rain has started falling down. Thunder is coming. And there are plenty strips of film waiting for me to be printed… And the official project page needs to be updated. All the editing…
Believe me. I have plenty of anecdotes.
But writing long blog posts always leaves me with more questions. And I will write more on a later moment.
All I know is I had a great and interesting time again. And I have met some beautiful souls along the way. Bracha, Issam, they woman from television in Japan, Omar, Jared. The dudes from Japan. And all the other people I spoke to. Thanks for everything.
Jerusalem. I hope to see you soon again… You give me a home away from home…
Neshama Sheli. You are indeed important to me. You are a part of my soul…
One last thing…
One last thing that remains… Is figuring out what the band was I was dancing to at the Mahane Yehuda market in the evening… “Feel it in my brain“ and plenty of others songs. I danced my ass off! So if anyone has a clue… Please let me know! That song made me happy. :)
- Cristian
Digital vs Analog, Israel, testing stuff, and other project updates.
Hey everyone!
This blog post is not really a dedicated story about something particular. But more of a quick sum up of everything that is going on. I will address my photography and I will be addressing a little bit of my travel plans and projects that I am preparing.
So I am putting on some Tool (The band) and just write away!
And at the end some images… And yes. Even some color… As a reward for reading through everything haha.
That analog life…
If you have been following me you probably noticed that I am getting more and more into analog photography. Not that there is anything wrong with digital, but I just think it is tons of fun!
For everything is a time and a place though.
It started out with just pure curiosity. How it works, and aesthetically it is just amazing. For me there are too many variables in digital photography if you are really into the whole mega post-processed stuff. But I am more of a documentary photographer anyway. So it is not that bad. But I remembered when I started and before I have found my voice photographically the amount of stuff what you can do and achieve are almost limitless. That can be a advantage… But for me… It is not… The less of distractions in my gear the better.
With analog I pick a film that goes with my subject matter. Of course you need to do some post processing. That part is not different. Unlike some people like to believe. But your base is just different. And because of that I can focus more on my composition instead of being a Lightroom warrior.
Sitting in a Ferrari…
The fun thing is. After you have shot analog for a while as soon as I grab my digital camera it feels like I am sitting in a Ferrari. Everything goes so quickly! You can review what you are doing, not to worry about a full roll, auto focus all of sudden… Man! Like a hot knife though butter!
I already mentioned this once before. But every-time it gives me more and more respect of the photographers from the golden age and all of my heroes. In comparison shooting analog is just goddamn difficult!
Shades of grey…
The world is not black and white like photographs, but situations are as grey as they come. Same in the case of photography. And specifically; what do I bring on my upcoming project…
I will be traveling to Israel and the Palestinian territories again at the end of April. Continuing with my everlasting story I want to tell.
And despite I want to shoot most of it analog. The thing that is going through my mind is.
Is it practical?
If you have ever been to for example Jerusalem. The amount of detectors you have to go though is enormous. And the last thing I want is that my film is getting screwed up by all the scanners and stuff. Of course on the airport you can ask for hand checks. And as you have read in my Vietnam and China blog, it is not really a problem. But I just don’t want to take the risk. Because if I lost any of my images again I definitely get a heart attack or something. It happened already to me last year and, I don’t want to happen it again.
In the end my heart will probably kick my brains ass and I will bring digital and analog anyway.
Speaking of grey… I have been picked by Lomography to test their new Postdam Kino 100 film. From what I have seen it looks like an amazing film. It is inspired by old German cinema. And from the images I have seen what they have shot I am actually really curious what it will give me.
The only thing is, because it is 100 ASA I need a lot more sunlight. And the Netherlands is still grey…
But as soon as I shot it I will dedicate a blog post to it. So stay tuned for that…
Developing stuff…
Lately I have written a lot about developing. Especially on Instagram. And filming it to and such. But I am trying to keep it on my own blog to a minimum.
The whole reason for that…
I just want this about the art of photography and my adventures. Projects I am doing. And even maybe a sort of diary with things that come to my mind. Not one of the many gear or technical blog that are out there.
I am a photographer first. The rest is just bonus…
I do like I said, share that stuff in my Instagram. That whole platform is as contemporary as it can be. It has it’s uses. So that seems like the right place for that.
Also you probably will on some guest blogs that I am going to write. And have written already. You can find one on 35mmc. I have written a 5 frames with. Go check it out if you like! Click here.
There are also some other ones in development. But I will let you all know as soon as that will materializes.
Searching for stories…
After I return from Israel and the Palestinian territories and processed all of my work I will be looking for another place to travel to. No idea which one yet. But I am doing plenty of research. Nepal, Papua New-Guinea and Uzbekistan are on my list. But it always can change.
I am open for suggestions though. So if you have some. The comment section is open, so you can always drop a comment if you want.
The stipulation is. I do need to have a story to tell. The main focus is that I want to steer my work towards that I create more depth in my images. Not only with composition. But also ,it needs to be about something. Otherwise it will be just one of the many millions out there. I need to get out of that street photography flow and more into my documentary photo-journalistic flow.
So I am looking for events that are happening. Some special festivals. Tribes or (sub)cultures. It’s a difficult task. But hey, if you want that your work means something…
Ramble on…
Not the famous song of Led Zeppelin, but this time it is me that is starting to ramble again. So it is time to close the lid of my laptop and go to bed. Because I am finishing this story up on a Saturday night…
And I bought a “new“ enlarger for my darkroom. Time to print!
Alright. This really was it. For now at least!
- Cristian
Ilford Delta 400
Ilford Delta 400
One of my few color shots lately.
And another color one.
Five things I learned about (Life) going to Jerusalem the second time...
Need to make money...
Need to get my motorbike fixed...
Need to do this and that...
April 8th 2018...
Three weeks has passed since my last blog post. And it is incredible how easy you get sucked in everyday life again...
There is never a better moment than now, but in this case and the mindset I have at the moment. It feels more right than ever to write the second part of the five things I learned series.
This one, the second one, is about life!
Sometimes it is so easy as photographer to get stuck in the technical crap that involves photography. But we tend to forget that photography is about life. It is a art form meant to capture life. And it is the only machine we really have to capture life in it's purest form. A bundle of emotion captured in one frame beamed onto your screen or printed on your paper and for you to reminisce. Like a real life time machine in the palm of your hand...
Of course the blog posts are not for photographers only but everyone that loves following my adventures and mind farts. That's why most of my blog posts are more philosophical and about art than gear or tech related stuff.
I use my art to tell stories. About the world, life, but it is also my critique to society. A way I know to let my mind wander and try to make sense of all the stuff that is going on in my head... And even a way try to make sense of the madness we call life....
My photography brings me a lot. And most of the time to places and moments. And because I use it to make sense of all of it it schools me too. Sometimes I realize I am right, sometimes I realize that I am wrong, and sometimes it raises even more questions...
So what does all of this have to do with my second trip to Jerusalem?
I will come to that... No worries...
I guess it is also very easy to fall into the political trap because of the city of Jerusalem. And because of that I will keep my views unbiased. I am a observer. And this article about the lessons I have learned. As a person... And not about someone that needs to do this or that...
So here we go!
- We are all human...
I put this one first but it was the last one I wrote...
I think it is because this one is the hardest to explain of them all...
At one point I was having coffee in the old city. And at another moment I was going through a checkpoint and walking around in a 400m2 area where about 15000 humans live. That is a experience...
The "funny" thing is. I had many similarities with Omar. My guide through the camps. We talked about life there. Life where I am from. And everything in between. He is a talented artist. Seems to make most of the situation.
A moment later I had a call with my Israeli friend Chana which I was supposed to meet. But her car broke down and she couldn't make it. But she felt so bad... She was engaged to be married and wanted to tell me all about it. And I didn't see her for two years so it was the perfect moment to catch up. But fate decided otherwise...
Despite all of our differences we are so similar as human beings...
We all share the same emotions about love, life and death, living and caring...
It gave me a good sense of direction I want to go with my art and passion projects. We are all one... Let's finally understand that...
- Work hard, but don't rush...
I already mentioned this in my previous blog post in the part take your time. But I want to get into it a little bit deeper.
Good things come to those who work hard. And that is the absolute truth! Of course there are setbacks. But working hard also involves not giving up.
The big trap is rushing.
And I fell for it...
There is thing called Street Zen and the first time I heard about it was on a podcast by Eric Kim.
I guess the whole trick is to find that Street Zen! I wanted to do too much. And I rushed and I rushed. Sometimes forced and sometimes self inflicted. We all know we as humans can be our worst enemy.
Street Zen is a real thing. And you can apply it to everything in I guess and call it being in the zone. Ah well...
If you want to deliver quality find you Zen. Take your time. Know your intent for the photograph. And go with the flow.
Rushing never did anyone any good. Same as sitting on your ass.
- Find your own truths...
When I was a little kid we had a game in class named "I ga op vakantie en ik neem mee". It roughly translates: I will go on holiday and take with me... It is a game to see if the first person that tells something, will it still be the same if it reaches the end...
Real life information tends to do the same...
Taking up a project, a passion project or a normal one, or just regular travel. You need to do some research. Some of it comes to word by mouth. Some of it goes by the news or books. Or the internet. Or even better. The lonely planet!
But I have experienced now numerous times that when I arrive it was different than I imagned.
Iran was not full of terrorists...
The Tsjech republic does not have nice beer... (Sorry...)
And Israelis and Palestinians can be friends...
Wait whuuut? What did I just say!?
The last thing I watched on the news was all of the violence that happened during the return march. And of course all the stuff that you read about in the papers. And not to speak of about social media...
I've seen Israeli soldiers taking photographs of a Palestinian father and son. Arab making small talk with Jews. And little kids having fun in the streets...
Somehow the whole situation seemed less tense than the first time I was there. And although I came there to work on my photography I had a great time. Yes haha, you can have fun and work at the same time...
So always find out your own truth. Hell, even doubt this blog... Just go out and explore yourself. It is way more fun anyway.
And that counts for everything. A camera review. A song you hear in the radio. A certain restaurant that a travel guide says you have to visit! Or not! And than it turns out is is the worst or best experience ever... And even the news...
- We all have our own shit...
Sometimes I tend to forget that. The part that we are all human... When you have seen a lot and have een trough a lot it is so easy to say: yeah we in the west have forgotten to be happy and we are spoiled to the bone... Especially if you experience the Israeli and Palestinian conflict sort of up close...
And for a big part it is true...
Yes, I just said that...
In a big way with all the wealth that we have we fell into the a giant trap that we have forgotten what is most important in life. And we make a fuzz about trivial shit.
That does not mean that we do not have our own problems. Because we do have. Because of all of those traps certain other issues arise. Mental health issues, disassociation, a rising gap between rich and poor. Even global warming! Rising suicide rates...
Actually all of this is nothing new.
Everybody knows it...
And I am about to hit the point I am trying to make. So hold on!
I think the lesson I have learned is not being so judgmental. Actually because of all of those thoughts I just mentioned. Yes! I was judgmental. And it is good for your art to wind yourself up about something.
But it was to easy for me to get angry at the woman who tried to park her bicycle into my motorbike because she said; "Well as long as I can park my bike here than I will be fine. I don't care about anybody else..." just the day after I got home. And yell at her: You don't know how good we have it here! Be grateful!
I need to wind myself up the same amount about the stuff back home as I do with all the other stuff that is happening in the world.
Well because like I said earlier. We are all human. And as long we don't understand ourselves and each other. We will never see any progress and all the bad shit will continue to happen everywhere.
Who knows what the woman has been trough.
Be a possitive exapmle...
That at least is my two cents...
- Never rest...
This entire trip lit a bigger fire in me than ever. I am not used to giving up. And I am sure as hell more than ever determined I will make it was a photographer and story teller.
I mentioned not sitting on your (mine) ass never did anybody good. And it is the honest truth. It is something I took from sports. I you want something go and get. Never give up. And put in the work. All those Gary Vee posts are all about that. You know the drill... Don't expect to reach a target if you hang out on the beach or go out for drinks. Although relaxation is important too. Get your priorities straight...
The here and the now is this life. One life... And I have to fan the flames of what my soul puts on fire... So Rumi was right after all...
At first all of this seems to have nothing to do with photography. But believe me it does... It is a art form despite it does not seem like it in this day and age. If you want to make a beautiful portrait of someone you still have to see the artistic and human side of things. Otherwise you will never capture the essence of that human being. Same goes for architecture or landscape.
If you do your photography with your soul it will all work out and it will show in your work...
And like I said earlier. It does not only count for photography but for everything.
Just put your soul into things... Work, art, friends, family, your partner...
Btw! I named the project "Neshame Sheli". It means roughly translated: You are important to me. You are a part of my soul... And that is how I feel about my photographs and telling stories. Hopefully it shows and you see that too...
- Cristian
Five things I learned about (Photography) going to Jerusalem the second time...
Hey all!
I am currently really busy with the processing of all of my material of my latest trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories. But that is a long process and when it is all done I want to write a big article about it. And find a proper way to present it to the world.
Until that time arrives I will write short blog posts like this to keep the information and sort of involve you all in a bit of my process.
So this piece part one of a two part piece with five things I have learned during or after my latest trip to Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories.
First one is about photography. The second one is about life.
So let's start!
Part one: Photography...
Like I said. Currently I am in the process of working through all of the material I made and that is just something that takes time... A lot of time!
In short. I took around 1100 photographs and I am editing them at the moment. Part of that process is also voicing visually the intent of the photograph. And ultimately after all the editing is done the post processing start.
Of the approximately 1100 photographs there are only a few that will make the cut and want to share with the world.
During that process which is not even done. I ran into a lot of issues. Not everyone shares that stuff. But I am a big believer in that running into problems or even failing is a big part of getting better. It's a rule you can apply to everything in life...
Same goes for photography!
And the whole trick after the whole failing or running into issues thingie. Is that you just don't give up! Get back on the horse and just go go go!
Learn from it. Feed from it... Grow from it!
Btw I am not only summing up stuff that went bad. It's also good to reflect on stuff that went well, or even good! Because also that is a good thing to know.
Alright here it goes. Five things I learned!
- Don't buy new gear!
A couple of weeks before I left for my trip I switched from Olympus to Fujifilm. I sold all of my lenses and my beautiful Olympus PEN-F body... And I did not even hate my gear. There was nothing wrong with it, and I am a firm believer in that you can't buy a bad camera anymore.
It was more that I was chasing some sort of look or vibe that the Fujifilm sensors have. And I just felt it was time for a change. And if you never try something new you will never know you will like it or not!
The whole difference between my Olympus PEN-F and Fujfilm X-E3 is a whole other subject to dive into. Because the end conclusion is I love them both. The point I am trying to make here for the DO NOT BUY NEW GEAR issue is the learning curve!
My ego let me believe I worked enough hours with the Fujifilm to understand the device completely and I would not make any mistakes with it.
Well I was wrong...
For example the aperture I shot on my Olympus to get everything sharp was around f5.6 or lower. On my Fujifilm it was way lower. And I realized I had to take my photographs around f8! That resulted in some shots I had a shallow depth of field when I did not want it. Especially when I missed focus.
That brings me to another point. I missed focus! A lot!
I was like: How the hell is this happening! Back home I did not have this problem!
There is a difference between photographing back home and while traveling. And that too will be material for another blog post. But in this case, the conditions were different. The people were different even though I was there before. The gear of course was different. My mindset was different. All the narrow alleyways and using certain techniques to get a shot and doing stuff on instinct. All of that together gave me some out of focus results.
I analyzed it all. And one of the things was the the single point focus on my Olympus somehow let me get away with errors. While the single point focus on my Fujifilm was unforgiving. If you miss it, you miss it!
I switched to zone focusing instead and that worked better for me in those conditions. End result. More material I am satisfied with. And no customer or viewer of your art will care if you used a single point focus method or a zone focus method. It is all getting the shot and the story you are telling.
- Do your research.
Like I said, it is not all about the bad things. You also need to reflect on all the stuff that went well!
For me it was arranging my guide or fixer or whatever you want to call it. Making a plan on what you are going to do everyday and also leave some room for spontaneity. Having a back-up plan if something falls short. All of that so you can get the most out of your time.
I planned everything well. And I also was very lucky that nothing went wrong. I think on that part I had the smoothest trip ever. Planning helped.
- Update your software.
This one is actually not about the time during my trip. But more about the process when you return and start to review your work do your post processing.
I looked at my shots and I was getting angrier and angrier by the day. My photos looked like crap. And I did nothing wrong! Why? Why was this?
I was getting into fights with my raw files. And got a bad case of worming. Man o man I was getting frustrated... My photos looked like a watercolor painting!
A fellow photographer said to me: Cris, did you update lightroom?
Fujifilm raw files had got some issues with lightroom in the past. And after a lot of Google searches I read that there were a lot of people that used alternative raw processors and bypassed lightroom or not used it at all! The switched to alternatives like for example capture one.
Small side-note. I used to have the last standalone version of the original lightroom. Because I refused to be part of the subscription model that Adobe started.
I actually like lightroom a lot. So I followed his advice. Put my ego aside. And updated purchased the monthly version of lightroom. And as soon as I openend my photographs again they looked a lot better.
I combined that with a different way of sharpening and voila! Instant happy Cris!
Btw. The whole sharpening thing with Fujifilm raw files... Only use the sharpening slider a little. Use the detail slider more and pull back the radius.
- Shoot a lot of shit.
Maybe it is a bit redundant to say. But I hope I don't have to tell any photographer that it is to take a shot extra than you have not taken the shot at all...
That especially is true with memory cards. Fill those puppies up and shoot everything that peaks your interest.
And no. That does not automatically nullifies my post about "f##k instant gratification". Those are two completely different things. And if you have a goal in mind... Do whatever it takes. There is no award for getting the decisive moment in the least amount of photos...
- Take your time!
I saved this one for last...
Because for me this is the most important one.
Because I did not do it...
I wanted to get the ultimate photograph so much. I soared and roared across the area like a idiot. My drive that I am so proud of got the best of me.
The end result was that I did not take the time take in the moment as I normally do. And that sucks. It is not that I have bad photographs now... But in retrospect there were moments where I should have taken my time more the choose another angle. Or kneel down to take the shot. Get closer. Wait longer. Getting the details more right.
What if is miss something?
That mindset held me back to look at some little details. When you see a scenario and you don't need to react in a split second. Just take your time... Relax... Take two photos extra. Inhale... Get low or high. Analyse... Wait for the light. It will all come together if you just let the moment be...
It is hard to explain I guess... But there goes a lot detail in taking a good or even a great photograph. And a lot has to go with a certain flow and peace of mind. You feel it when you do it. And once you made one. It is a feeling that you will forever chase again...
Alright! This is it!
My five lessons about photography. I hope you enjoyed them!
Stand by for Part two: Life...
Catching that decisive moment...
- Feb 8, 2025 Portrait of Steef Feb 8, 2025
- Jan 19, 2025 New Platinum Palladium print Jan 19, 2025
- Jan 14, 2025 Work in progress Jan 14, 2025
- Dec 31, 2024 Closing words for 2024... Dec 31, 2024
- Dec 18, 2024 New print. New work. New process. Dec 18, 2024
- Nov 18, 2024 Duncan Miller Gallery's Group Show Nov 18, 2024
- Oct 25, 2024 My swan went around 74 countries Oct 25, 2024
- Oct 2, 2024 YourDailyPhotograph Square Print Sale Oct 2, 2024
- Aug 14, 2024 Cyanotype Aug 14, 2024
- Aug 6, 2024 Experimental Gelatin Silver prints Aug 6, 2024
- Aug 2, 2024 I am ready to photograph humans again... Aug 2, 2024
- Jun 23, 2024 “When I see you again…” Jun 23, 2024
- Apr 26, 2024 I went to the forest and everyone knew your name Apr 26, 2024
- Apr 10, 2024 Last night's thunderstorm and something with rain. Apr 10, 2024
- Mar 12, 2024 New series: "The lost art of having a deep conversation... " Mar 12, 2024
- Feb 18, 2024 "Heavier than heaven..." Feb 18, 2024
- Feb 14, 2024 Happy Valentine's Day. Feb 14, 2024
- Feb 7, 2024 The Hand Magazine issue 43 Feb 7, 2024
- Jan 24, 2024 Grid of moons Jan 24, 2024
- Jan 8, 2024 Salt prints on unconventional paper and other news Jan 8, 2024
- Dec 11, 2023 Yet untitled addition to "I started writing you this letter in autumn..." Dec 11, 2023
- Dec 2, 2023 Small update on the matter of things and a print. Dec 2, 2023
- Nov 26, 2023 Self Portrait Nov 26, 2023
- Nov 4, 2023 and if something ever flows... Nov 4, 2023
- Sep 21, 2023 OD Photo Prize long list Sep 21, 2023
- Sep 20, 2023 Small print(s)... Sep 20, 2023
- Aug 24, 2023 A lumen print and a poem... Aug 24, 2023
- Jul 14, 2023 Artdoc Magazine - Project Feature "I started writing you this letter in autumn..." Jul 14, 2023
- Jul 9, 2023 15th Anniversary Screening during Les Rencontres d’Arles Nuit de L’Année Jul 9, 2023
- Jun 9, 2023 Istanbul - Me, my camera, and sometimes a pen... Jun 9, 2023
- Jun 6, 2023 Art Doc Magazine Exhibit - Eniga of Life Jun 6, 2023
- Jun 3, 2023 Istanbul. May, 2023. Jun 3, 2023
- May 5, 2023 Self portrait 05-05-2023 May 5, 2023
- Apr 7, 2023 Handcoating silver gelatin. Apr 7, 2023
- Mar 8, 2023 My grandfather was an alcoholic... Mar 8, 2023
- Feb 12, 2023 Moon... Feb 12, 2023
- Feb 8, 2023 Prints... prints... prints... Feb 8, 2023
- Dec 31, 2022 Goodbye 2022... Dec 31, 2022
- Dec 24, 2022 A colour blinds man attempt to colour photography... Dec 24, 2022
- Nov 29, 2022 The autumn leaves... Nov 29, 2022
- Nov 16, 2022 Back from Paris Photo 2022... Nov 16, 2022
- Oct 25, 2022 Paris Photo 2022 Oct 25, 2022
- Oct 23, 2022 I always feel you there in my dreams... Oct 23, 2022
- Oct 9, 2022 Still Melancholy Oct 9, 2022
- Sep 23, 2022 Experiment in oak toning Sep 23, 2022
- Aug 23, 2022 a dandelion Aug 23, 2022
- Aug 9, 2022 on a dreamy autumn night Aug 9, 2022
- Jul 29, 2022 I like broken things... Jul 29, 2022
- Jul 7, 2022 In a parallel universe... - A mini photo essay of a journey in Morocco while I should have been in Iraq. Jul 7, 2022
- Jun 1, 2022 My eyes were sore from staring too much into the sun Jun 1, 2022
- May 13, 2022 "Is the really the end, or a new beginning? A new reality..." May 13, 2022
- Apr 28, 2022 Hi my name is Cristian Apr 28, 2022
- Apr 9, 2022 There was a gust of wind... Apr 9, 2022
- Mar 18, 2022 Seen by CLAIRbyKahn Mar 18, 2022
- Mar 12, 2022 Lith printing. Mar 12, 2022
- Feb 1, 2022 I swallowed the sun... Feb 1, 2022
- Jan 30, 2022 Me at work (short) Jan 30, 2022
- Jan 3, 2022 Untitled addition to "You, me, and the trees..." Jan 3, 2022
- Dec 31, 2021 If 2021 was a secret agent... It would have been Cary Grant in Charade. Dec 31, 2021
- Dec 18, 2021 But who was listening? It was not God... Dec 18, 2021
- Dec 1, 2021 Dante 2021 Dec 1, 2021
- Nov 10, 2021 Secret Garden Nov 10, 2021
- Nov 8, 2021 They managed to hide from me for four weeks! Nov 8, 2021
- Nov 3, 2021 A couple of new photographs and putting myself out there... Nov 3, 2021
- Oct 20, 2021 Inspired... Oct 20, 2021
- Oct 7, 2021 Something has changed... Oct 7, 2021
- Sep 27, 2021 I will bring you to my lake one day... Sep 27, 2021
- Sep 12, 2021 My Egyptian secret window... Sep 12, 2021
- Aug 28, 2021 KAUNAS PHOTO festival. Aug 28, 2021
- Aug 8, 2021 Patty. - Memories of a man once there... Aug 8, 2021
- Jul 30, 2021 I didn't know if we were going for a ride or watching a sunset... Jul 30, 2021
- Jul 16, 2021 Kirsten Jul 16, 2021
- Jul 6, 2021 Dante 2021 Jul 6, 2021
- Jun 25, 2021 Winter tea in summer… Jun 25, 2021
- Jun 23, 2021 Opening Reception Mono - Kromatik Praxis Arts Center. Jun 23, 2021
- Jun 20, 2021 Happy father's day, dad. A letter to you... Jun 20, 2021
- Jun 11, 2021 Portrait of Tom de Haan Jun 11, 2021
- May 30, 2021 Opening reception at the PH21 gallery. May 30, 2021
- May 27, 2021 Photographs are not always about the photograph... May 27, 2021
- May 1, 2021 Life as a colorblind (photographer)... May 1, 2021
- Apr 2, 2021 Shorlisted for the Belfast Photo Festival... Apr 2, 2021
- Mar 31, 2021 "Embracing Stillness" Group Show at the Humble Arts Foundation, New York. Mar 31, 2021
- Mar 17, 2021 I found this old bench... Mar 17, 2021
- Mar 16, 2021 Monochrome exhibit at the Blank Wall Gallery. Mar 16, 2021
- Feb 18, 2021 Nothing... Feb 18, 2021
- Feb 8, 2021 A low light was suddenly present. Feb 8, 2021
- Dec 31, 2020 Waní-wí-ipȟá - A reflection of 2020... Dec 31, 2020
- Dec 14, 2020 It's so good to see you once again... Dec 14, 2020
- Dec 10, 2020 Exhibit at the waterfront studios Brooklyn, New York. Dec 10, 2020
- Nov 30, 2020 Hands of a poet... Nov 30, 2020
- Nov 18, 2020 What-is-love? Nov 18, 2020
- Oct 17, 2020 Dear future Cris... A birthday letter... To me... Oct 17, 2020
- Oct 6, 2020 We went to the beach once. Fed the birds... Oct 6, 2020
- Sep 28, 2020 Some days it is okay not to be okay. But the next day I want to smile all the bad stuff away... Sep 28, 2020
- Sep 14, 2020 A gateway to another dimension... Sep 14, 2020
- Aug 27, 2020 Publication in Lens Magazine. Aug 27, 2020
- Aug 25, 2020 Edge of Humanity Magazine - Souls of Iran. Aug 25, 2020
- Aug 16, 2020 A fistful of fifties and a day without fear... Aug 16, 2020
- Aug 9, 2020 Support me on Ko-fi... Aug 9, 2020
- Jul 10, 2020 Diary entry during a pandemic once forgotten... The death of my father... And a flying snowman... Jul 10, 2020
- Jun 17, 2020 Solidarity protest against anti-black violence in the US and EU. - Haarlem, the Netherlands. Jun 17, 2020
- Jun 10, 2020 New prints available. Jun 10, 2020
- Apr 19, 2020 My COVID-19 notes... And a heart that broke. Apr 19, 2020
- Apr 1, 2020 F-Stop Magazine: Issue #100 April - May 2020 — Past/Future Apr 1, 2020
- Mar 7, 2020 Article in the French magazine L'Œil de la Photographie Mar 7, 2020
- Mar 6, 2020 Article on Emulsive. - People of Myanmar: The Kayan and Kayah Mar 6, 2020
- Feb 9, 2020 Some sun and some prints... Feb 9, 2020
- Dec 3, 2019 Remembering my grandfather... Dec 3, 2019
- Nov 20, 2019 I am the richest man in the world... The story about me in Myanmar. Nov 20, 2019
- Aug 30, 2019 Featured on Emulsive Aug 30, 2019
- Aug 19, 2019 Funding upcoming photography project print sale. Aug 19, 2019
- Jul 2, 2019 Featured on the JCH website. Jul 2, 2019
- Jun 3, 2019 Coffee in the old city of Jerusalem, Sore feet, and defining your why... Jun 3, 2019
- May 27, 2019 "My 35mm time machine..." also on Phot News Canada. May 27, 2019
- May 17, 2019 Guest article for the Ilford website: "My 35mm time machine..." May 17, 2019
- Apr 16, 2019 Playing with color... Apr 16, 2019
- Mar 17, 2019 Andante - Portrait series of the soul. No 2. - Reham Mar 17, 2019
- Mar 11, 2019 Women's March 2019 Mar 11, 2019
- Feb 23, 2019 Digital vs Analog, Israel, testing stuff, and other project updates. Feb 23, 2019
- Jan 28, 2019 A quick date with Kodak Tri-X. Jan 28, 2019
- Jan 4, 2019 Learn from this mistake... My adventure with Ilford PAN F and a jetlag. Jan 4, 2019
- Dec 22, 2018 Going to Vietnam, Listening to an old lady singing Celine Dion songs, and freezing in China Dec 22, 2018
- Dec 3, 2018 Ilford HP5+ at box speed, a Nikon FM2n, and a people in yellow vests... Dec 3, 2018
- Nov 19, 2018 The small KOZP demonstration photo series... Nov 19, 2018
- Nov 3, 2018 The monkeys did it! - My days in Varanasi, India... Nov 3, 2018
- Sep 3, 2018 Make A Wish... Sep 3, 2018
- Aug 12, 2018 The one about how photography is looked upon across the world. A sour market salesman. And you and your work are important. Aug 12, 2018
- Jul 11, 2018 Introducing Andante - Portrait series of the soul. No 1. Jul 11, 2018
- Jul 4, 2018 Nothing About Us Without Us. Syrian refugees. And a human rights organization named Kompass. Jul 4, 2018
- Jun 15, 2018 Did Instagram kill photography? Jun 15, 2018
- Jun 3, 2018 The most awesome publication... A cover in Iran. Jun 3, 2018
- May 8, 2018 Five things I learned about (Life) going to Jerusalem the second time... May 8, 2018
- Apr 19, 2018 Five things I learned about (Photography) going to Jerusalem the second time... Apr 19, 2018
- Apr 5, 2018 Aida and Dheisheh refugee camp... Apr 5, 2018
- Mar 27, 2018 Snaps during national demonstration "No racism in the council." Mar 27, 2018
- Mar 19, 2018 F##k instant gratification. Mar 19, 2018
- Feb 21, 2018 Finally my Iran work in physical form! Souls of Iran as a Zine! Feb 21, 2018
- Jan 11, 2018 Art exhibition Park Hotel starting January 19th Jan 11, 2018
- Jan 4, 2018 The importance of printing your work... Jan 4, 2018
- Dec 20, 2017 Who are you shooting for? Dec 20, 2017
- Nov 13, 2017 Capturing Kick Off Alliantie Genderdiversiteit Nov 13, 2017
- Nov 1, 2017 Armando Aid Fundraiser - November 18th. Nov 1, 2017
- Oct 12, 2017 Voorlinden Empty Meet. The results! Oct 12, 2017
- Oct 7, 2017 Voorlinden empty meet! The info! Oct 7, 2017
- Aug 8, 2017 Souls of Iran... Aug 8, 2017